Thursday, December 22, 2022


 Happy Last Day of School.  Thank you for all the wonderful kind words and gifts.  If you have Instagram check out the teachers performing during the assembly today.  I realized that I never attached any of the awesome artwork that we had been working on all of December.  

This is our AWARD-WINNING door!!! For Most Creative!

On behalf of our Kinder team we would like to wish you very happy holidays and we can't wait to hear about all the fun you had in the new year.  See you on January 9th!!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Day 72

 Tomorrow is our last day before break and we also get to wear our PJs.  Check your child's backpack today for something TOP SECRET.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Day 67

 Today WE FINISHED all of our pieces of artwork!  We have worked super extra hard over the last little while to make sure that our classroom and school are fully festive and decorated for our fun-filled family event tomorrow night.  I will post pictures of all our beautiful artwork tomorrow night.  We wanted to keep it a surprise until you can see it in person. :) We also started on our TOP SECRET SURPRISE which will be sent home next week.

Today both the AM and PM had PE.  In the PM we also had a fire drill.  

I can't wait to see you all tomorrow night at our Warm Feet for the Street Night.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Day 66

 Lots and Lots MORE art today.  We continued to work on odds and ends of many different art projects.  I can't wait to show you the final product.  We are ALMOST done our Kinderbread house and we are almost done our winter bulletin board.  We also started working on our Christmas cards for someone in need.  Tomorrow we will do the writing part.  We are having so much fun but we are also so busy!!

Monday, December 12, 2022

Day 65

 Oh Wow another busy day in the books.  We worked on our Kinder-bread house which is turning out super cute.  We also worked on our large winter bulletin board outside the classroom. We finished our cute little hand print holiday characters that will decorate the gathering area.  So basically we did lots and lots of odds and ends art work.  We also learned about the letter Dd and practiced printing a Dd in our printing books. 

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Day 63


This afternoon we watched the grade 4 -5 choir perform

Both the AM and PM finished our winter tree art.  It is beautiful!


Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Day 62

 Did you know that grades 1-5 have fun lunches through Healthy Hunger? Kindergarten usually isn't able to participate in these as it is during lunch. HOWEVER there is a popcorn snack on December 22 that kindergarten can participate in!!!!!! (the online order will look like it is on the 21st, that is so the school has a day to organize the popcorn bags, the snack will be handed out during snack time on the 22nd) 

You will need to set up an account through and orders must be in by Dec 16

The kindergarten classes are planning on making holiday cards to spread some joy this holiday season.  We wanted to reach out to our parent community first.  Do you or a family member or friend work in a nursing home and would be able to pass on some cards from us? We are open to suggestions and are just looking to spread some joy.  If not, I will look for a community nursing home close by. 

 Upcoming Dates 

Dec 15: Warm Feet for the Street Event 5-7 

Dec 16: PJ Day 

Dec 16: Last Day to order Popcorn snack from Healthy Hunger 

Dec 19: Ugly Christmas Sweater Day 

Dec 20: Festive Hat/Hair Day 

Dec 21: Wear Red and Green Day 

Dec 22: P.J Day 

Dec 22: Popcorn snack for those who order from Healthy Hunger 

Dec 23: No School - Winter Holidays 

Monday, December 5, 2022

Day 60

 Today in the morning we painted the walls which will become our huge gingerbread house. We also coloured mini gingerbread men that will decorate our roof in a pattern.

In the afternoon the PM crew got to watch Mrs. Hellyer put a pie in her face because they helped contribute half of the winning food items.

Friday, December 2, 2022

Day 59

 Today we started to fill our classroom with some winter art.  The background was watercolour and the snowflake was a mix of salt and sparkles.

Today was the BIG assembly.  I can now let you know that our Kindergarten classroom won the Veterans Food Bank Drive. Meaning I got a nice slimy pie in the face.  Congratulations Kindergarten!!!! PM Kinder will get to redo this on Monday!!


Thursday, December 1, 2022

Day 58

 Tomorrow we will find out what place we officially came in for the food drive.  I know that NO MATTER WHAT I am incredibly proud of every kindergarten family that brought in their items to help with the Veterans Food Bank.  If I end up getting a pie in my face on Friday, 
I promise I will have a pie in my face on Monday for the afternoon kids. We ended up filling 3 1/2 boxes just us Kinders in Rockin' Room 136.  WAY TO GO! 

Our FINAL total is 668 items!!!!! That is SO much food that can help SO many people!!

Today we focused on writing our name with appropriate upper and lowercase letters. Using the whiteboards we had fun practicing.