Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Day 58

This morning our Rock Star was Marco Kelecsenyi.  His mom got to chose his name because his dad chose his sisters name.  They liked the Marco because it is easy to read, spell and pronouce with no nick names and is not very common. Marco has no middle name. Marco means God of War and of course we all love the explorer Marco... Polo!!!!

This afternoon our Rock Star was Sawyer Robert Allen Adams 

Sawyer - mom loves books and wanted a special name so she chose Sawyer from Tom Sawyer.  Dad wanted a lumberjack name.  Sawyer happens to mean “one who cuts wood”. 

(middle names - Dad’s side of the family has two middle names each.)

Robert - Mom’s Godfather name was Robert and passed away just before Sawyer was born.  Sawyer’s Grandpa (Mom’s dad), name is also Robert.  So Robert was an important name to give.

Allen - Dad’s middle name also has the name Allen in it, as well as other boys on that side of the family.  “Allan” was also the name of Sawyer’s Great Grandpa on his mom’s side, and is the middle name of his uncle on his mom’s side of the family.

This afternoon we had a practice lock down.  We talked about the practice was to keep us safe.  We sat nice and quietly until the kind police officer came to get us.  She was so impressed with how nicely we were sitting and how quiet we were. :). YAY Kindergarten!!

Today we worked hard on finishing our packages that will be sent home tomorrow.  In writing we learned about traditions.  We talked about how traditions are something that happens every year.  We also mentioned that maybe some of our favourite traditions can't happen this year but that's ok. These journals will be sent home tomorrow in a package of learning materials and celebrations for you to review before our conferences on Thursday and Friday.  If you have signed up you should have received an email with the link.  Please let me know if you do not have this link.  

This is a reminder that if you have not already booked a conference please do so.  If you need any help please call the office and they will walk you through the process. 

Also don't forget... Tomorrow is PJ Day!  I can't wait to get all cozy with my Kindergarten friends.