Friday, June 25, 2021

Day 179 (should be 180 haha so clearly I was off in my counting)

 Today we celebrated our Summer Birthday Girl Stephanie!!!  Happy School Birthday Stephanie!! We are so happy to celebrate with you today.

We also had our final Rock Star Harrison share with us some awesome tips about gardening. :)

Today we released the last of our butterflies.

As an extra special treat, we met with the ENTIRE school for the FIRST TIME (15 feet apart from each class) to watch the grade 3 drumming circle.  For me, it was the most special moment to finally be together, even though we took up the entire field it was the most perfect way to end the year.

I hope that you all enjoyed the Virtual Presentation on Google Classroom I will leave it up as long as I can before I have to archive the page for the summer.  The kids especially loved the drumming and dance.  Their singing brought a huge smile to my face as well.  It was nice seeing all the pictures together of the year.

Thank you for being part of such a magical year.  I hope that you all have a great summer and make lots of memories together.  See you in September. :)