We have been listening to this song about being Thankful all week that the children really like. Here it is if you'd like to listen. Thankful My question of the day was, what is something you are thankful for? The thoughtful ideas were so sweet to hear. Ask your child what they are thankful for, it's sure to make your day!
Today we had a community circle conversation about the bathroom at school. We talked about being respectful in the bathroom and the need for privacy. We want to make sure everyone feels comfortable. We also talked about being honest about when we needed to go. We concluded that it shouldn't be necessary to go to the bathroom 5, 6, 7 times while only in kindergarten for 3 hours :) It would be appreciated if these conversations could continue at home.
Names, Names, we are working hard on those names. We are working on printing names with the correct upper and lowercase. When your child is printing them at home help support them to use the correct upper and lowercase.