Thursday, December 9, 2021

 In the morning our Rock Star was Ryan. Every year on Ryan's birthday he takes a picture with his birthday bear. This bear was made specially from the outfit he wore home from the hospital when he was born. He doesn't always like the picture but it's a great way to see how much he has changed year to year.

In the afternoon our Rock Star was Hollie.  This picture is her new Christmas tradition, She gets to decorate her own Christmas tree, just for herself and her brother!!

Today we worked on patterns and finishing up our door decoration.  

****This is just a friendly reminder that there is school tomorrow. The original school calendar had December 10th as Parent/Teacher Conferences but that was updated once it was confirmed that Truth and Reconciliation Day on September 30th would be a non-instructional day. To make up for the loss of instructional time on September 30th, December 10th was added back to the calendar as a regular day.****

****In addition, to accommodate for the change in the schedule all kindergarten students, AM and PM, will attend tomorrow for their special Winter Celebration Day.*****