This morning our Rock Star was Amaira. She shared her story Dora goes to School.
This afternoon Aubrey was our Rock Star. She posed with the cutest cat named Pickles. Aubrey shared her book Olaf's Great Adventure.
Today was an Olympic kinda day. Boy did these kids work hard for me TODAY!! Thinking about it now I really think they did such a great job to get all the steps of this Visual Journal Page done in one day. During our snack time, we also watched highlights from the Olympics.
1. We did our background using puck paint
2. We used a cup as a stamp to make our Olympic rings
3. We coloured our Olympic athlete
4. We glued our heads to the athlete
5. We made an Olympic torch to carry
6. We painted flames inside the torch
7. We added sparkles to our flames because...why not?!
8. We labeled our picture.
That was A LOT of steps to do in one day. The morning crew also had library and the afternoon crew had music. Both groups played on the playground as well!! Unfortunately, we missed out on centers today but that's ok. :)