Monday, September 26, 2022

Day 16

Today we started with the letter S.  We are following the Jolly Phonics program. Jolly Phonics 'S'

Thank you so much! My teacher bucket is full after meeting with you all.  I loved hearing you share about your children and all of your insight into their little personalities.  

As these conferences often feel rushed, I'm going to give a recap here.

 For some of you, I forgot to ask you about CBE consent, which allows me to post your child's face on the blog. I do not yet have access to this information electronically and I would like to begin posting group and full-face shots.  

If you DO NOT consent to your child being on the classroom blog please respond to this email with "I do NOT consent to my child (enter name) being on the classroom blog". 

If you DO consent, please respond to this email with " I DO consent to my child (enter name) being on the classroom blog. "

If you were not able to book or attend conferences, please reach out through email and we will set up a conference. 
Here are some pictures of our PM Crew during Centre Time 

Mrs. Hughes and I have learned that her emails are going to both classes and that in PowerSchool many of you are attached to Mrs. Hughes.  We have let the office know and they are working on fixing that.  Thank you for sending that info to us.  If I did not take a picture of your child in the PM but you have sent me or Mrs. Hughes an email it just could have been that I received the email after I took the pictures.  I will continue to add lots of pictures of beautiful smiling faces throughout the week.


Kindergarten September Conferences highlights  

* The first month of kindergarten has a big focus on following routines, instructions and expectations as well as pre-printing skills, names and beginning letter work.  

* We will be working on letters/letter sounds/words and high-frequency words.  It is so beneficial if you help support these skills at home in small ways, such as also practicing the letters at home.  This blog is your key to that. 

* Our Rock Star will evolve.  There will be several rounds throughout the year and each student will get to be the TOur Rock Star for each round.  The next will be in October.  Keep an eye on this blog for instructions, it will take some parent involvement (providing a photo and some answers to questions).  This is an important part of our social studies curriculum as well as speaking and listening plus they love it

* Please send a snack and water bottle daily that your child can eat in about 10 minutes.  No juice boxes please 

* Winter is coming, please continue to work on independence at home with jackets, zippers etc 

* Early Years Assessment will take place in October and be shared at the next set of conferences in November.  It is a screening tool to highlight and help us understand children's strengths and areas that require more targeted supports

Important Upcoming Dates:

Throughout October we will be exploring pumpkins.  If you are able to donate any pumpkins to our classroom that would be amazing. We are looking at different sizes, shapes, colours followed by some really fun experiments on October 19 - 20

Sept 29 - Orange Shirt Day this will also be our first assembly with the school

Sept 30 - No School for Truth and Reconciliation Day

Oct 5 - Colour Day (Wear your favourite colour)

Oct 7 - No School

Oct 10 - No School

Oct 11 - Fall Walk (Looking for AM and PM volunteers please send me an email)

Oct 12 - Picture Day

Oct 19-20 - Pumpkin FUN

Oct 28 - No School

Oct 31 - Dress Up Day