Welcome Back Mrs. Hellyer!!!
Today I was happy to be back with my Kinder friends. This is a friendly reminder to PLEASE keep your child home if they are feeling unwell. In Kindergarten we share everything including illness and keeping your little Kinder friend home when sick is the best way to stop the spread.
Today we had a little catch-up day. The AM class learned about the letter Ee. Anyone who missed our poppy painting was able to finish it. The PM class also learned about the letter Ee and did a beautiful watercolour painting with a poppy silhouette. Both classes played with the balls and scoops in PE class.
On Thursday, everyone in the school went live on Powerschool. Sadly I was not feeling well and was unable to put all the marks into the system on time. Now that I am feeling better I was able to update your child's marks on Powerschool during my lunch break. I am sorry for being late however you can find your child's updated marks on Powerschool.
We are still collecting food for the food bank. The class is eager to watch me get a pie in the face for having the most food collected. If you are able can you please donate non-perishable food for our class race?