Monday, November 2, 2020

Day 39

 Today was a Logan Rock Star kinda day!  This morning Logan was the Rock Star and he shared a special blanket made by his grandma in his favourite colours.  In the afternoon Logan shared that he loves to build LEGO inside his tipi that he got for his birthday!  Thank you for being amazing Rock Stars Logan B and Logan M.

Today was all about the letter Pp.

In math we started learning about patterns.  It was such a beautiful day that we decided to do some patterns using the nature we found outside.

What patterns can we find outside around us?

We are selling school T-Shirts.  If you are interested in getting a shirt you can either order on myCBE or by printing off a copy of the order form.  Orders are due Friday.

If your child is interested in retakes on Wednesday please email me and let me know so that I can make sure they are ready when we get the call.