Thursday, November 26, 2020

Day 55

 In the morning our Rock Star was Henry William Lenz. Henry is named after his Great Opa van der lee.  His name was Hendrik. The name Henry is Germanic and is composed of the elements “Home” and “Power/Ruler”.

In the afternoon our Rock Star was our special birthday boy Sawyer!!  Happy Birthday Sawyer!! We hope that you have the most fantastic day tomorrow. :) We loved celebrating you here in class today!

Today we practiced making more patterns as well as cutting and gluing.  We are really improving on our ability to replicate patterns.  Our Fine Motor skills have grown so much as well.  YAY US!!!!

As we finished learning about the letters Cc and Kk we drew pictures of them in our Jolly Phonic Book.

Making and describing castanets was a difficult experience this week but pretending to play them while we were singing was a BLAST!

We are all really enjoying our Student Teacher Miss. D in our classroom.  We especially love the fantastic stories that she reads to us.

**Just a reminder that tomorrow we will be going to the playground beside the pond**