It is good to be back! I can honestly say I missed this classroom and my little Kinder friends SOO much!
Today we spent a lot of time going over the sequence of putting on our snow gear. For our first snowy day in Kindergarten, I have to say that I was pretty impressed. Please continue to work on zipping up jackets and finding the right fingers for gloves and mittens. The longer it takes us to get ready the less time we get outside for recess.
Today we learned the letter Pp. Even though when we are printing the letter they look the same BUT the uppercase P goes into the attic and the lowercase p goes into the basement. It is exciting that we learned the letter Pp because this week is all about pumpkins!! Thank you for all the wonderful pumpkins in the classroom I can't wait to experiment with them this week and make some big messes!
There are A LOT of emails in my inbox and I am currently going through them. If you have not heard from me in the next 24 hours please send me another email just in case it got lost.
Speaking of LOST there is a beautiful toque that no one is claiming. It is black and silver. If this is your toque just send me an email and I will make sure it gets back to you.