Today we started working on pattern sentences. This is to teach us the proper structure of a sentence including the capital at the beginning, spaces between the words and a period at the end of the sentence. Every day this month we will work on a new pattern sentence. The unknown word is where our kinder friends practice sounding out their words using multiple accurate sounds.
Today your child will be bringing home a package full of assessments. This assessment will help guide their learning for the next two months. I will continue to form lessons and build small groups to support student learning and help them to grow in their confidence and understanding of the Kindergarten curriculum. Please note that this assessment coming home represents an end-of-kindergarten expectation, and we will work on these expectations through to the end of the year.
Please take a close look through and see where you can help support your child. Perhaps it is playing rhyming games on the car ride home or breaking down words into sounds around the dinner table. Maybe, it’s pointing out capitals and periods in your nightly reading. You might write a sentence a day together focusing on using letter sounds or play a game of in/out to make 10.
When you are looking at the assessment, a blue highlight indicates the student has already been successful in meeting end-of-Kindergarten expectations in that specific area. A yellow highlight indicates where the teacher will target your child’s learning moving forward to help them meet end-of-Kindergarten expectations.
If you have any questions please send me an email.
Just a reminder that tomorrow is Orange Shirt Day.
Wednesday is Hat's on for Mental Health
Thursday is Star Wars Day