Today was Orange Shirt Day and we welcomed our new teaching of LOVE. This morning we had an amazing assembly led by the grade ones. When we first came into the classroom we wrote pattern sentences again. Today was 10 TIMES better than yesterday. I know that each and every day we will get better and better. As more students are becoming independent writers it is freeing up more time for me to work with some friends that are still working on the concept. I can tell you that no matter what level of a writer your child is at I can already see a HUGE difference. I am very proud of each and every one of them. Here are some more samples of our pattern sentences.
We also finished colouring our wolves from yesterday.
During Center Time I promised the kids I wouldn't call any of them over to work with me to give them a chance to play with their friends. This gave me time to put up the cute pictures from last week.
Yesterday I sent home an assessment. If you have any questions regarding the assessment please feel free to talk to me. I can assure you that anything highlighted in yellow is being worked on often and already I have seen huge improvements. :)
Tomorrow is HATS ON FOR MENTAL HEALTH. Please wear a hat. I also wanted to let you know that with the warmer temperature our classroom has a more tropical feel to it. Please remember to send a water bottle to school with your child, especially in the afternoon.