Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Day 2

Thank you families for all of your support with kindergarten start up.  Your children did wonderful! I was more then a little impressed with the way they all just rolled with masks. 

All students showed off their colouring skills and coloured a First Day of Kindergarten crown.  We read the beautiful book, In My Heart and played around with actions and movements as we read it. 

 Our Classroom: The black lines on our tables are special laser beams that keep our own materials in our learning area. The black dots on the floor help us keep our space while in the Learning Pit.  We call the area infront of the SMARTboard our Learning Pit. 

Have you heard about our magical germ juice? It is just as beneficial as regular hand sanitizer but a little more fun for our Kinder friends. :)

We spent some time learning all our new procedures.  Keeping distance, sitting spots and lots and lots of hand washing and sanitizing.  Our goal will be to wash with soap and water when and where possible over sanitizers.  I made sure to put A LOT of hand lotion on before bed last night. Everyone did a great job keeping their masks on. We are still working out when we can take a mask break.  For now, if we are moving we are masking.  So while working at our desks, eating snack or while outdoors we are removing masks.  

Today we really focused on washing our hands. I put paint on my hands and showed all the special techniques to wash our hands.  We had lots of fun solving the problem of how to get purple paint "soap" to cover my hands. 

Each student brought home two masks (there were very limited colours) and a little heart gift from the kindergarten teachers.  

Please practice opening containers, bags and caps at home as well as zippers and buttons. All students will need to come with a water bottle daily. 

I am really looking forward to seeing the whole group together tomorrow!