Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Day 6

In Investigations we had some more fun with playdough today.  We are using our imagination to create brilliant pieces of art.  What do you see?

Today we talked about being brave like Little Penguin.  We read the story together and had a conversation how jumping into the sea and going to school were kinda the same.  Just like Little Penguin's mom our moms miss us too but they are happy that we are making friends and learning lots at Kindergarten. 

We went out in nature today to count as many objects as we could.  Some of us even found more than 20 objects to count.



Our Power Up today was Rainbow Names.  We traced over and over and over our name using all the colors of the rainbow.  It turned into beautiful artwork.


* Yesterday our demographics forms were sent home.  Sadly due to our new normal, I am unable to go into each child's backpack to check who has their forms.  I did have the children look in their backpacks but if you could remind them that they have mail for me that would be very helpful. *