Friday, September 18, 2020

Lucky 13

 WOW! What an action packed Friday!  I can't believe how much we did today!  It was an amazing end to the week and a wonderful start to our weekend.  We are really becoming a community of learners together growing and helping each other. I know that this is going to be a fantastic year because we have an amazing group of kids. 

This morning we started with some yarn play trying to make the different types of lines that we have been learning about all week. 

Once we did some practice shapes we decided to make a mess and glued the yarn and lines into our visual journals. We made straight lines, curvy lines, swirly lines, zig zag lines.

As our journals dried we went to the playground to look for lines in our environment.  We LOVED being able to find many of the different lines and since we were already outside we took the opportunity to play on the playground. :)

We practiced making our lines on the sidewalk outside our classroom.  We really worked on our mountain and castle lines.


Before Centers we squeezed in one last project.  We made different lines with our paper. We made had some of our lines pop out and some stick to the paper. Each child had many different shapes and colors to choose from.  They were able to cut and glue each paper however they would like.  This was one super cool project!
(You will see in this picture that some children are wearing masks and some are not. This is personal preference.  Each child knows that our classroom follows the "If you move you mask" rule. For the most part when children are at their tables they have their masks off.

This picture does not do the artwork justice but hopefully you are able to enjoy some beautiful Kindergarten artwork. :)

Every Friday I will be posting a Weekend Workout in our Google Classroom.  This is to help you get used to completing learning tasks and submitting pictures on our online platform.  At this time it is completely optional. We will continue to use our Blog to share our daily learning.  If your child is unable to attend school you are welcome to try any of our daily activities in your own home as well as any learning tasks in our Google Classroom.

**Important information on the EYE program was sent home today.  Over the next month I will be gathering information and once it is ready I will share the report with you. If you have any questions regarding the EYE please let me know and I would be happy to answer any questions.**

Please click the link below for an important message from the principal: