Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Day 117

 In the morning our Rock Star was Zailey. Her favourite book is called Love you More. She got it from her mom and dad for Valentine’s Day. It’s about all the ways my mom and dad love me more than ANYTHING. Her favourite part is when her mom reads the page about tickling me and she actually tickles her and makes her laugh. It’s really special because it is about a family of bunnies. A mom and dad bunny and 2 sisters and a baby brother bunny. There is a picture of them on the last page. They are just like her family. She has a big sister and a little brother and her mom and dad love us so much. It’s a really special book. 

In the afternoon our Rock Star was Valkyrie. Her favourite book is "The Little Girl Who Lost  Her Name". It is fun and funny because it's about her name. Her Mom had it made especially for her. The little girl wakes up and her name is gone from her door. She can't remember who she is. She goes on an adventure to find her name. She meets 8  different creatures who each give her the first letter of their names and it spells her name,  Valkyrie. A Viking gives her the first letter and an elephant gives her the last letter.

Today we worked on what a feedback loop looks like. We started by doing a guided drawing of a person.  When we were done we met with a friend and they gave us a star and a wish.  They said one thing they liked about their picture and one thing they could fix. After meeting with a partner we talked as a class and decided on one or two things that we wanted to fix and one or two things we wanted to keep the same.  We then did the same guided drawing focusing on our little goals. 

In the afternoon when we were playing outside the kids were SOOO excited to find GOLD!!!!

Don't forget that tomorrow is St. Patricks Day.  Let's celebrate together by wearing green!!!