Today our Rock Star was Jack. his favourite book is the Dinosaur Encyclopedia from his friend Josh. It’s all about dinosaurs.He learned about how dinosaurs lived, how big and how tall they were, how fast they were, what they were and how they died. He learn about how they’re buried and how people find them. His favourite part is learning all about the prehistoric dinosaurs that lived in the water especially Nothosaurs!
Today we had some time to go back and work in our visual journals to catch up on things that need our attention. We FINALLY put the pictures from our snowman melt into our visual journals. It was fun to talk about this task and revisit it with our friends.
We added some silver and blue sparkles onto our visual journal page. Ask your child how they can make predictions.
We got to play some alphabet games on the iPad.
Today we played a coin game using 5 coins to help us work on our understanding of number bonds. This was a fun game to see how many ways we could get 5.
Tuesday, March 23 will be a School Spirit Day!!! Let's pretend we are heading to the BEACH and come to school in our Beach wear.