Monday, March 22, 2021

Day 121

 This morning our Rock Star was Jayeh.  Jayeh had a video of him and his sister reading his favourite story.  It was a wonderful way to start our day. Jayeh likes to read From Head to Toe by Eric Carle because it is about the animals. When his mom read this book, him and his sister loves to act out and answer back “i can do it”. It is so much fun to act out like animals  in the book. 

In the afternoon our Rock Star was Madison. Madison shared her favourite book called, Princess Madison Khat. This book was created by Madison favorite aunty. The book is about a princess who goes to dance school. Soo she can prepare for a Ball room dance party for her and all her friends. Madison favorite part of the story is when she get to pick out a beautiful blue dress for the ball.

Today we changed the spots where we sit.  Ask your child where they moved to and who their new table friends are.

In PE we had fun playing a Mario game and learning a new skill.


Today we worked on our journal and writing about what we love about Spring.

Our journals have come so far this year.  It is so impressive to see the kids growth. :)

Don't forget that tomorrow is BEACH DAY!!!!!!