In the morning our Rock Star was Skylar. Skylar shared her favourite outdoor place with us.
In the afternoon our Rock Star was Harrison. Harrison's Favorite Outdoor Space: My favorite outdoor space is the street in front of our house! It's special to me because it's where my mom, dad and Poppa Ross taught me how to ride my bike and I love riding my bike! Some of the fun things we do on our street are: Riding bikes with my friend Zoe, Running through the sprinkler, Drawing with chalk, Playing tag, Driving my tractor Charlie up and down the sidewalk.
In our small reading groups we are working on the different colour words. We will continue to work on these books and then once we are fantastic readers we will get to bring them home and share them with our family.
In the morning we played a dice game where we each had two dice and we had to roll them against our friends. The person who had the highest number won the roll. The best was when the partners rolled the same number!
In the afternoon we prepared for our digital music assembly. Here are some of the things our PM crew can count on.
**Tomorrow is PJ Day AM friends!! See you tomorrow.**