Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Day 140

 In the morning our Rock Star was Zailey.  She shared: This is my Nana's cottage on Lake Erie in Ontario. I love going to my Nana's cottage in the summer. Its been in my dads family since 1918, thats a really long time, its so so so special, and it is a lot of fun there. Some of my favourite things to do at the cottage are go to the beach and swim, play in the sand, look for frogs with my sister, and swing in the big tree in front of the cottage. I really hope I can go this summer again.

In the afternoon our Rock Star was Malin. She shared: Where is this place? Camping (anywhere)!

Why is it special for you? Spend time with family What are some of your favourite things to do in this space? Swimming, playing in mud, iPad while driving, playing with my sister, going on a “bunny hunt” and marshmallows

We had such a SUPER day today!

The Kinder teachers had an INCREDIBLE time putting together their super hero costume for a bunch of SUPER kinder friends!!!

We were FLYING with happiness as we celebrated our SUPER friends.


If you could have any super power what would it be?  Today our Kinder friends did their journal just like grade 1 students.  Mrs. Hellyer gave a story starter and even added the word because.  We brainstormed different super powers then did a THINK< PAIR>SHARE with the class.  First, we thought about which super power we would want.  Then, we talked with a partner and told them what we wanted to be and worked through our choices with our friend. Finally, we shared our super power with our class friends and why we would want them.  To end the activity we wrote about it in our journals.

In the morning we drew our super heroes but in the afternoon we were able to colour them.  Tomorrow the PM crew will do their super hero journals