Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Day 135

This morning our Rock Star was Lukas.  He shared the he loves to go to the beach and swim, play in the sand and eat ice cream.

In the afternoon our Rock Star was Brian.  He wrote: This is my backyard. It is special to me because I get to spend lots of time in it. I like to jump on a trampoline and climb my dad’s favourite tree.

Today was all about our seeds and watching them grow. First we learned about the parts of the seed.  We loved that we were able to find examples of our parts of a seed in many of the seeds that we have around the classroom. 

Using watercolour we painted our seeds.

WE are so proud of how well our seeds turned out.  Ask your child if they know the parts of the seed and what their jobs are? I will give you a hint.  Ask about the embryo, the seed coat and the food storage.

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our Movie Day!  Due to our Thursday schedule are having our movie day on Wednesday but the rest of the school is having their movie day on Thursday.  Your child can bring a special snack in their backpacks for tomorrow since our popcorn day that we ordered through Healthy Hunger is not until Thursday.

Also there was a glitch in the system and it turns out that you accidentally received an email from the school regarding a past due account.  This is not true. We have purchased butterflies that will be arriving at the end of May/beginning of June however, we have not told you nor the children yet so you did not receive a first notice and won't for a few weeks.  I would ask that you please keep our butterflies a secret for a little longer until we send home a notice asking for the $4 which will come in May. We are hoping to compare the lifecycle of our seeds and plants to the lifecycle of the butterfly.  Thank you for your understanding and I am so sorry for the technical error.