Thursday, October 29, 2020

Day 38

From Rockin' Room 136!

Today our Rock Star was Jayeh.  He shared his special Nintendo Switch.  Everyone loved hearing about his favourite games. In the afternoon we had an extra special BIRTHDAY boy as our Rock Star.  Happy Birthday Connor!  We are so happy we got to spend your special day with you!


Today we added our pumpkin exploration page from yesterday as well as our class picture to our visual journal page from yesterday and decorated it with lots of fun halloween stickers.



We also took some left over pumpkin seeds from yesterday and planted them.  Ask your child what they think is going to happen with these seeds?


AM and PM Seeds Day 1

For some extra fun today I put glow sticks in our Kindergarten Jack-o-lanterns.  This was VERY exciting for all our friends to see. :)

The Kindergarten team hopes that you have a very safe and Happy Halloween!  

See you on Monday.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Day 37


Double Double Toil and Trouble we have LOTS of fun in our Kindergarten bubble!!  

Happy Birthday Valkyrie!  I am so glad that we were able to spend your special day with you.

Today our AM Rock Star was Jason.  He shared some super cool pictures of his transformer.  In the PM our birthday girl was our special Rock Star!  Thank you both for being amazing leaders today. :)

Today was ALL about pumpkins.  We were scientists and made lots of different discoveries with our pumpkins.  We asked and answered many different questions.

How many blocks high is a pumpkin?


Does a pumpkin sink or float?

Is a pumpkin hard or soft?

How many lines are on a pumpkin?


What does the inside of a pumpkin feel like?


What happens when a class of kinder friends put their hands inside a pumpkin?

We wondered.... what does the inside of different types of pumpkins look like?


We made pumpkin stamps in our visual journals.

At the end of the day we tried out two different experiments.  For the first experiment we added food colouring and vinegar to our pumpkin seeds.  We are very excited to see what will happen to our seeds.

For our second experiment we added baking soda, vinegar and food colouring to the inside of our pumpkin to watch it explode. 


Finally, we watched Mrs. Hellyer carve our pumpkins!!!!

Today we did 1000000 millions things!  I don't know about your children but us teachers are exhausted!  I hope that they had as much fun as we did. :)

See you tomorrow.  I can't wait to see you in your costumes.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Day 36

 Today we had another two fantastic Rock Stars!  Thank you Jack and Brian for being great leaders today.  Jack shared his cute stuffy named Bowzer.  He got this sweet stuffy when he was born and he loves to snuggle it at night. Brian showed off his Black Panther costume and included a fun video of all his cool moves.  It was fun to see.


As we begin to prepare for our pumpkin exploration day we looked at how we have many different pumpkins that are different sizes and shapes.  We were able to organize our pumpkins from biggest to smallest.  We also made a pattern with our pumpkins.  Can you guess what the pattern is?

In our journals we wrote about our Halloween costume. We are doing an amazing job adding details to our picture so that our audience is able to easily tell what story our picture is telling us. We are also working on writing about our picture on our own and then copying what the teacher wrote.

AM Journals

PM Journals

Picture Retake Day!
is Wednesday, November 4

Yesterday our sweet little pictures were sent home.  If you would like retakes please let me know so that I can make a note for myself to ensure that your child gets their retakes done.  

**Tomorrow is our Pumpkin exploration day!! I am so thankful for all our pumpkins that have arrived in our classroom.  Thank you for all your support to keep us safe while still having fun during Covid times.  I hope that your children are excited as I am to play with our pumpkins**