Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Day 26


This week is brought to you by the letter A.  With playdough we made different things that started with the letter A.  You will see an acorn, an apple, an ambulance, an ant and an ant hill.

Today was our first time doing our official journal.  We had a sharing circle to brainstorm ideas we could write about.  Today we wrote about our favourite thing we did on the long weekend.  Each child was given the rubric to follow to make sure their work was ready to be looked at by the teacher.  
1. I can use at least five colours
2. I can draw details in my picture
3. I can colour a background
4. I can write about my picture
Once all these items were done each child came to the teacher for some feedback and the teacher wrote down what they wanted to write. The last part of this task was to copy the word to the best of our ability.  

For our first journals of the year, I think they all did a fantastic job!!!




* As our weather changes please make sure that children have appropriate clothing to be outdoors daily 
* Zippers! Please practice those zippers at home until they can do it independently! 
* Please continue to send at least 2 clean masks daily 
* If you haven't added a Top Banana share item in the Google classroom folder please do so! Our new round of Top Banana begins next week! 
* Thank you for continuing to do your daily health check before sending your child to school