Today we had two fantastic Rock Stars. Greer shared that she loves the sound that her Frozen shoes make when she dances around the house. They make a click clack sound and are very special to her. Tristan shared his hot wheels. He loves all of the cars because they go very fast and likes when they go down the hill.
In PE we now have the temporary wall down. Each class stays on their own side to not mix cohorts. Ms. Nanavaty teaches the lesson in-between the wall while the classroom teacher helps the children in their own class.
This week is brought to you by the letter Ii. Making a lowercase Ii is tricky but we are all doing a great job practicing.
Our Halloween posters are out in the hallway. Last week we had a colouring station. Each child had the opportunity to contribute to our classroom Halloween poster. I love how beautiful and unique they turned out.
Thank you for all your support with the pumpkins. Wednesday will be our pumpkin exploring day. The children will be getting messy so please dress them in clothes that are able to get dirty. On Thursday we will wear our costumes or our PJs. Please remember that due to Covid we cannot share any special treats with our friends.
Thank you to everyone who had added their child's favourite artifact to our Google Classroom. We almost have our entire class. As we work through our first round of presentations I have put up our second round of Rock Star show and tell to complete when you have some time. This round will be about our names. What makes your child's name special? How did they get their name? What does their name mean? I cannot wait to hear all about your child and their special name. :)