Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Day 24

Our Investigation today was to make things that start with the letter S with play dough.  Some of the items we made were: Snowman, snuggles, spider, starfish, sun, S, snail, snake


Today we read the Thankful Book by Todd Parr.  We brainstormed different things that we were thankful for.  We all decided that we were most thankful for our family. :) 

Today was our first Journal lesson.  In journals we will draw a picture and start to write words to describe what we wrote. Today we learned what a rubric was.  A rubric is like a checklist so we know what we need to do in our learning task before we can say that we are done.  

- I can draw a person with clothes on

- I can draw a person with arms, legs, eyes, ears, hands, hair

- I can use at least five colors

- I can have a background to show the audience where my picture takes place

- I can have my people on the ground so they are not flying

**Air high 5 if I can label my picture**




***********LOOKING FOR*********

We are trying to have our harvest cafe station up and running after the long weekend.  I found an old tassimo machine at my house that I have brought in but we are still looking for old coffee makers, kettles or anything coffeeshop related (think Starbucks...but Kinder style).  If you happen to have any of these items or know anyone who has some sitting in their basement I'd love to take them off your hands.  This year we need to have two different cafes (one for AM and one for PM) to keep our cohorts apart.  Any coffee store items you can donate would be so helpful.

*******Thank you for your support in our kindergarten program.  We really appreciate it *******

Just a reminder that picture day is coming on October 14.  A reminder was sent home today.