Our Investigation today was to make things that start with the letter S with play dough. Some of the items we made were: Snowman, snuggles, spider, starfish, sun, S, snail, snake
Today we read the Thankful Book by Todd Parr. We brainstormed different things that we were thankful for. We all decided that we were most thankful for our family. :)
Today was our first Journal lesson. In journals we will draw a picture and start to write words to describe what we wrote. Today we learned what a rubric was. A rubric is like a checklist so we know what we need to do in our learning task before we can say that we are done.
- I can draw a person with clothes on
- I can draw a person with arms, legs, eyes, ears, hands, hair
- I can use at least five colors
- I can have a background to show the audience where my picture takes place
- I can have my people on the ground so they are not flying
**Air high 5 if I can label my picture**