We are officially into ROUND 1 of our Rock Star presentations. Today Arielle shared her very special Ariel doll who gives her snuggles and plays with her. Sawyer shared a picture of his sweet puppy Moose. Moose gives Sawyer lots of cuddles.
In the coming weeks, we will start our first rotation of Rock Star of the Day. This is an opportunity for your child to be the classroom special helper as well as show and tell presenter!
In Kindergarten, students have been getting to know others. We are exploring how individual characteristics, talents and interests make us unique. Our Rock Star is invited to share one item from home that represents a favourite activity, interest or hobby.
Some ideas include:
an art piece made by your child
favourite book
lego creation or favourite toy
ballet shoes, hockey puck, soccer ball, skipping rope etc.
photo of your child doing their favourite activity or hobby
Please take a picture of this item and submit it in Google Classroom.
What's in a name?
Today was all about our name. We are learning to write our name using upper and lowercase letters. We started our day practicing our name using play dough.
We also practiced our name on paper. We learned that some of our names go upstairs into the attic and some letters go downstairs into the basement. Ask your child if their name checks out the basement or hangs out in the attic? We started by colouring our name and then we did our rainbow tracing. Finally, we finished by putting our name into the boxes. This was super tricky like a puzzle to have letters fit into the boxes. We will continue to practice this. Each child brought home their names today. If you would like a copy of your child's name template just send me an email and I will reply back with their page so you can print some off at home.
On Wednesday, October 21 we will be having a colour day full of lots of fun math problems. Please send your child wearing their favourite colour.
Halloween is coming to a classroom near you!!! You may have already heard some fun songs at home that we are singing. Next week, we will start to explore pumpkins if you would like to donate a pumpkin that would be the best ever! We are looking for different sizes and shapes so we can learn about descriptive words and next Wednesday we will get our hands dirty inside them learning about textures and counting. On Thursday, October 29 we will be dressing up in costumes or if you are feeling extra cozy on the 29th your child can also wear their PJs. Please keep all weapons that may be part of a costume at home. Due to Covid19 we will be unable to share any fun Halloween TREATS with our friends but our day will be full of TRICKS!