Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Day 59

This morning our Rock Star was our friend Jack.  Who we now know as John Evan George Mears. John is the middle name of both his Grandfathers, the first name of his Mom’s Great-Grandfather and his Dads Great-Grandfather and most importantly, the middle name of his Great-Great Uncle Harold who died in the First World War. Evan is for his Moms maiden name which was Evans. George is all his own! John mean “is gracious” or “merciful” Jack is for his Dads Grandfather, the 2 were very close! Jack is a common British abbreviation for John.

This afternoon our Rock Star was Hazel Ghattorey. Her family randomly selected a few names, one of them was Hazel. In her family her mom, dad and sister’s names start with H so we decided to name her Hazel, making our family into H family. It was a quick decision. The meaning of Hazel refers to hazelnut tree, light brown colour.  Here is Hazel in her favourite cozy blanket and with her halloween candies that she got from trick or treating with her elder sister.

YAY FOR PJ DAY!!! We love PJ Day in Kindergarten! What a fantastic way to start the festive season!  


Today was a day full of odds and ends and we finished some projects before our extra long weekend while celebrating the coziness of PJ day.

We decorated our own PJs and painted a page in our Visual Journal.

We finished off our Christmas cards for the soldiers over seas.  These will be mailed out this weekend to make sure they receive it before Christmas. We hope that it brightens their day.

Math was brought to you by the number 4. We are learning to represent our numbers using a ten frame, our hands, a dice, a number line, tally marks and through pictures.

AM Visual Journal Page

PM Visual Journals

Today the EYE-TA and learning packages were sent home as well as a video was uploaded onto Google Classroom of your child's learning journey from September to the end of November (not including today's page). During our conference I will go over the information sent home and answer any questions you may have.  I look forward to seeing you all again virtually and I hope that you have a fantastic EXTRA long weekend!!