Monday, November 30, 2020

Day 57

This morning our Rock Star was Jason Daniel Ionicel Jason- is a common given name and it comes from Greek lason meaning 'healer', from the verb 'heal', 'cure', the goddess of healing, 'physician'. Daniel has a Hebrew origin. It means 'God is my judge' 'God is my strength'. The name sounds both classic and modern, strong yet approachable and popular but not cliched.

This afternoon our Rock Star was Harrison August Ward. His mom and dad love Star Wars and so they named him Harrison Ward just like Harrison Ford who is the character that plays Han Solo. His mom and dad thought that August was a cool middle name that sounded good.... we agree!

Today was brought to you by the letter Ee. 

We started making Christmas cards for the solider overseas.  We are also making another set of cards for a few doctors and nurses to help brighten their day.  

**Wednesday will be PJ Day in Kindergarten**

 Please remember to sign up for Virtual Conferences 

Friday, November 27, 2020

Day 56

Today our Rock Star was JAYEH AHN. His mommy and daddy want to Jayeh’s name connect to his sister’s name. His sister’s name is Sayeh, daddy changed first letter of sister’s name. Mom’s name is Jin and daddy’s name is Sam.  Big sister Sayeh got daddy’s first letter and baby brother Jayeh got mommy’s first letter. Mommy wants to Jayeh can help to make beautiful world. In korean, Jayeh means make world beautiful.

Jayeh want to share with his friend about his favourite board game. The game is called “Halli Galli” You need to find 5 same fruits on the card. Each players got same amount of card and put on the tabe one by one. When you see the 5 same fruit, push the button on the bell. That person gets the opened cards on the table. Who has most of the cards is winner.


Today was lots of fun full of many different new adventures.  

We made some beautiful name art in our Visual Journals.

We played some letter games on the iPads.

We went for a beautiful Winter Walk to the pond.  We also had a chance to play on the playground and have some fun!

Hurray for a Fantastic Friday!!!

**Don't forget to sign up for Virtual Conferences**

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Day 55

 In the morning our Rock Star was Henry William Lenz. Henry is named after his Great Opa van der lee.  His name was Hendrik. The name Henry is Germanic and is composed of the elements “Home” and “Power/Ruler”.

In the afternoon our Rock Star was our special birthday boy Sawyer!!  Happy Birthday Sawyer!! We hope that you have the most fantastic day tomorrow. :) We loved celebrating you here in class today!

Today we practiced making more patterns as well as cutting and gluing.  We are really improving on our ability to replicate patterns.  Our Fine Motor skills have grown so much as well.  YAY US!!!!

As we finished learning about the letters Cc and Kk we drew pictures of them in our Jolly Phonic Book.

Making and describing castanets was a difficult experience this week but pretending to play them while we were singing was a BLAST!

We are all really enjoying our Student Teacher Miss. D in our classroom.  We especially love the fantastic stories that she reads to us.

**Just a reminder that tomorrow we will be going to the playground beside the pond**

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Day 54

This morning our Rock Star was Nolan Reid Larsen.  His mom has a running friend and she has a nephew named Nolan. His mom and dad liked how it was a different name. Nolan means descendant of the famous one. That means the old people in his family are famous.

This afternoon our Rock Star was Samuel Nathan Lowther. Samuel was the favourite boys name of both Sam's parents.  Nathan was picked as a middle name because he has the same birthday as his opa - it is an anglicization of Nitin. Samuel means "God has heard."

We are getting pretty good at finding our name with the different crosswords.  Each day we have a different crossword.  This skill is to help our kinder friends read the difference between their name and a bunch of similar letters. The kids have enjoyed working together to find their friends names as well.

Speaking of names, now that we are able to write our name and read our name we are working towards writing our names properly using an uppercase letter at the beginning of our name followed by lowercase letters for the rest of our name. We have also been working on knowing all the letters in our name.  Ask your child if they can tell you the letters that spell their name.

ABABABABABAB, AABAABAABAAB, ABCABCABCABC as we continue learning about patterns we know that patterns can be found everywhere.  Sometimes we see patterns and don't even realize it.  We are working on finishing patterns that have already been made and replicating them in our own way. 

****We will be walking to the pond on Friday to go to the park*****

Every year one of my favourite parts of the school year is our Warm Feet for the Street Night. It is a special for me and my own children as we go shopping for the items on the list and we are able to talk about how lucky we are that we have a bed, a shower and food when we need it.  Each year I bring them to our school night where they are able to stuff socks, take some pictures at the Photo Booth and write a letter to Santa.  As a school it was tricky to figure out just how we could keep this special night going.  This year we will collect items (Due on December 3) that will then be quarantined.  On December 9 we will have our own version of our celebration where they are able to stuff a sock.  I will continue to keep the best parts of that night alive within our classroom.  On December 9 please pack a yummy snack that your child will be able to eat by the SMARTboard fire after they stuff a sock, have some Photo Booth Covid friendly fun and write a letter to Santa.

This year we will continue the Warm Feet for the Street Campaign for the Mustard Seed. We will be collecting up until Dec 3rd and will be stuffing socks in our classrooms the following week. 


We are asking each student to donate $2 to go towards to cost of the socks and to being in hygiene and other useful items.


 Suggestions of what to include: 

• Travel sizes of hand lotion, deodorant, shampoo, soap 

• Mini-Kleenex packages 

• Toothpaste/toothbrush 

• Small Comb/Hairbrush, 

• Lip balm 

• Small skin cream 

• Disposable razor/shaving cream 

• Small packages of gum or candy 

• Tim Horton Gift Cards 

• Extra pair of socks 

• Bus tickets 

• Flashlights 

• Crossword puzzles 

• Deck of cards 

• Hats or Gloves (not mittens) 

• Packages of Lysol wipes 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Day 53

This morning our Rock Star was Ethan Robert Ball.  Ethan means firm and strong. His middle name was after his daddy.  His mommy and daddy picked Ethan because they wanted him to have his own name and Robert because it is a family name.  His mommy calls him Ethan Robert Ball when he doesn't listen. 

 This afternoon our Rock Star was Brian Anthony Davidson. His mommy told daddy that she wanted to be surprised. So daddy picked his name and mom didn’t find out what it was until she saw his file at the hospital. Brian’s name means strong, noble, strength and honour.

This morning Miss. D had her first evaluation for university.  She taught us about how we can show people that we care.  She also taught our journal lesson.  Every child behaved amazingly and her professor was very impressed with how well the students did in their journal.  Great job Miss D!!!

We are continuing to work towards reading our names and our friends name.  Today we did another crossword where we had to find our own name.  It is very tricky to look for our own names but each child is working extremely hard to find their favourite names.

Today we answered the question, I can show I care by...