Thursday, January 27, 2022

 This morning our Rock Star was Parker.  Parker shared, "My elf’s name is Fred. He comes to our house every year on December 1. Sometimes he makes a mess and sometimes he does funny things.  I love him." We also missed Parker's birthday at the beginning of January due to the longer Christmas break. We wish Parker a VERY VERY HAPPY Birthday and we are so happy that we get to spend every day with him.


In the afternoon our Rock Star was Maija.  "Maija wanted to share the tradition that we have of getting new Special Christmas ornaments every Christmas. This is a picture of one she got this Christmas. And also our very old Puppy Doctor Beasley Monroe wanted to be in the picture!"

WE have been busy this month working on reading and colouring the book Snowman, Snowman. We are almost ready to bring these books home and share them with you.