Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Day 57

 Today we focused a little more on the humble wolf.  Our journal writing was about how to compliment our friends.  

Tomorrow is our last day to bring in food items for the food bank.  Currently here are the top 5 classes.  On Friday we are having the pie-in-the-face assembly.  If we come in 1st I will make sure that both classes get to put a pie in my face.  The AM class will get to watch during the assembly BUT the PM class will get to do it on Monday afternoon.  If you have not yet brought in an item we are super close.  

5th - 285

4th - 377

3rd - 401 (this is us!!)

2nd - 412

1st - 426

Tomorrow is the first day of December.  During the first few weeks we will be focusing on winter art, subitizing (recognizing numbers at a glance in various forms such as ten frames, tally marks, dice etc) and writing our name properly with upper and lower case letters.  

Just a friendly reminder that Kindergarten was hit hard during November with illness.  In Kindergarten we share everything.  If you know that your child is maybe displaying any forms of illness please keep them home so that we don't spread anything new in our classroom.