Monday, June 21, 2021

Day 175

 This morning our Rock Star was Lukas.  Lukas shared: This is our campsite in Sundre. Lukas loves to ride his bike, play on the monkey bars at the park, build “base camps” in the trees and explore.

In the afternoon our Rock Star was Isa. 

We also celebrated Graysons summer birthday today!  Happy Kindergarten Birthday Grayson!!

Today we released more butterflies.  We only have one left in our classroom and that one only hatched during lunch hour between the AM and PM class.

One butterfly landed on our friend Logan.  He sat so still until the butterfly few away.

This morning before school started each teacher placed a large rock around the structure. 

This morning our AM class was the first group of children to put down their rocks.

In the afternoon our PM friends were the last children to place their rock.

The final product