Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Day 11


Today we learned all about lines.  We watched Lines that Wiggle and sang The Line Song. We talked about different types of lines and made up some fun names for them.  Ask your child what their favorite line is.  In our Visual Journals we put some stickers on the page and got to make as many different lines as we would like using as many different colors as we would like. 

Did you know that we have an online digital classroom?  Google Classroom is coming to a computer near you. In this classroom everything your child clicks on will take them on a learning adventure.  All the children have been invited into the classroom.  Tomorrow an email address and password will be sent home to you to help you log on as well as a how to guide.

Raz kids is an online reading program.  It has been all set up and is ready for your children to log on.  Tomorrow their password and log in information will also go home.