Monday, September 28, 2020

Day 17


Today in PE we played Rock, Paper, Scissor tag.  Instead of chasing and playing tag like in previous years, after the person lost the battle that person had to run away for ten seconds and run back for ten seconds and start again.  We also kept our distance while we were playing the game as well.  

Today was all about welcoming fall!  We read the story, The Fox and the Falling Leaves and learned what makes fall so unique.  We went outside to sketch beautiful fall trees using different shapes.

We worked on looking at the details in the tree.  What shape was the leaves? What other shapes could you find in the tree? What did the texture look like?  They even copied the word, "Fall" from the board. I  think that for our first sketch of the year these Kinders did an AMAZING job!!! 


We are learning all about the seasons.  We know that in summer we like to camp, hike, eat ice cream, swim at the lake, and go on vacations.  Now we are learning about our favorite things to do in the fall.  What is your favorite fall activity?



  • Orange Shirt Day - Orange Shirt Day is held annually on Sept. 30. It is an opportunity for all people to come together in the spirit of reconciliation. Orange Shirt Day began in 2013 when residential school survivor, Phyllis Webstad, shared how her orange shirt was taken away on her first day at a residential school. The City of Calgary, in partnership with Calgary Board of Education and Calgary Catholic School Division will be live streaming an Orange Shirt Day event from 1-2 p.m. on Sept. 30 for all students.

  • You can promote reconciliation in welcoming, caring, respectful, safe, and inclusive school communities by wearing an orange shirt. You are also encouraged to tweet a photo of yourself using the #OrangeShirtDay#EveryChildMatters and #CBEIndigenousEd.

October 1 we will be participating in the Terry Fox run.  Please bring a toonie for Terry