Friday, September 11, 2020

Day 8

Happy Friday!

This morning I was happy to start my day with my PM crew. As we were getting ready to enter the school we looked up and saw a hot air balloon.  We loved talking about who might be in there and where they might be going and what we look like to them?

For our Investigations today we had fun with play dough. This time we added extra treasures to put into our creations and we used tools to get just the right shapes we were looking for.

We went on a letter hunt in nature.  It was hard to find letters in nature but luckily we made our own.  Can you guess the different letters?

Our Power Up for the day was decorating our name with colored paper.  Right now we are working on recognizing our names.

The Lost and Found is going virtual; I will file that under something I never thought I would need to say. To do our best to reconnect lost personal items with the rightful owners we will be posting a link to our Lost and Found every Friday in Mr. Murphy's Admin Message. If you see an item that belongs to your child please email the school at with the subject Lost and Found. Once we hear from you, the item will bedelivered to your child’s classroom. The best way to avoid this is to make sure you label all your child’sbelongings. Click here to view the Lost and Found.