Friday, September 4, 2020

Day 4

Congratulations on making it through your first week of Kindergarten!  It has been such an amazing week as we worked together.  I am so proud of every single child.  They truly ROCKED not only figuring out how to become a member of New Brighton School BUT they also were complete ROCKSTARS learning how to be a kindergarten student while wearing masks, washing hands and social distancing.  GREAT WORK Kinders!!

Today was all about our name.  We read the story Chrysanthemum and made some beautiful artwork with our name.  The children were happy to bring home their first art project to share with their family.  During our mask break we went outside to make the first letter of our name using nature.  

A few important reminders from the principal:

  • The school will not be supplying utensil for student’s snacks. If your child needs a spoon or a fork to eat their snack please pack one in the lunch kit.
    • Please continue to practice opening snack containers with your child as teachers are unable to open every container to limit teacher student contact.
  • A reminder that dogs are not permitted on school grounds
  • Label everything. We do not have a lost and found this year so if objects are labeled it will make its way back to your child
  • Students will be spending there PE classes and recess breaks outside and are required to have appropriate footwear to participate safely. Sandals and flip flips, although weather appropriate are not suited for physical activity.
  •  The new creative Playground is off limits to the public during school hours. Our students will be using it during the day and we cannot have members of the public using it at the same time for safety risks.
  • Morning drop and go: since we have had such a successful start to our year we would like to remind all parents that the mornings are drop and go.  Once your child is safely with our class we would kindly ask for parents to back up to the fence to maintain social distancing and keeping all the kids in our school safe as they walk into the school. 

Have a great long weekend!  See you on Tuesday.