Monday, September 21, 2020

Day 14


This morning I walked into the school to find this beautiful work of art.  If this was you or if you had anything to do with this THANK YOU!! It was absolutely such a fantastic way to start the day and really meant a lot.

Happy 5th Birthday to my buddy Ethan!! We loved celebrating our Rock Star Ethan today. 
(The birthday hat is cleaned, sanitized and quarantined between uses)

This week during Investigations we are practicing our lines in our extra special Lines & Letters book. This pre printing is helping us as we prepare to start our printing practice.

Our Power Up today was Q-Tip names.  Using a Q-tip we dabbed over our names.  A Q-Tip paint dab is much different than the dance move dab.  Ask your child if they can show you the difference. :)

Some beautiful final products.

Snack is one of our favorite parts of the day.  We talk with our friends and listen to stories.  

Today a copy of our calendar went home with our Kindergarten friends.  This is a helpful way to know which days we are expecting our AM and PM friends.

************ Important Announcement *************

This is such an exciting week full of new technology.  To help you I have made a list of what is happening on which day.  If you have any questions please email me.  The blog is updated daily  and will have reminders details as well. 


Monday – Try to log into our Google Classroom and accept the classroom request using the information that was emailed and sent home last week.


Tuesday – Google Meet at 4:00pm for virtual classroom tour use the nickname: HellyerKinder


Wednesday – Make sure you have downloaded the MicrosoftTeams app or have computer browser


Thursday – Conferences using Microsoft Team

            Join Microsoft Teams Meeting


Friday – Conferences using Microsoft Team 

Join Microsoft Teams Meeting



§  Google Meet Help

§  Google Meet Cheat Sheet[PDF]

§  Learn How to use Google Meet[video]

§ How do I sign in to Classroom?

§ Join a class as a student

§ Troubleshooting for students